function optimization of communication for many times, has carried on the science to living function line, receive the comb, on the premise of meet the function make a space more aesthetic feeling, to make use of the test stand later different families.
Elegant life, a kind of lifestyle, concise and natural, pure external concise, rich inner, bring us directly and conscious contact with life.A large area of white space processing, to maximize the natural light into the interior, bright and comfortable space, only in key position with a dot outstanding art photos hang a picture of the atmosphere, bright and have layers.
Set up tall ark on the edge of the table, contented life food storage function, display, set up a little on the oven, coffee machine and other small appliances, in addition to the normal meal, can be in the baking, taste coffee and other leisure life.
TV wall has the very strong store content function, at the bottom of the drawer placed the child's children's toys, the sitting room tidy up clean and tidy, maintain a good family life, elegant temperament.
Gentle romantic daughter room space.
项目名称 | 青年理想荟轩A户型精装样板房
Project name | Youth ideal huixuan hardcover model room
项目地点 | 惠州
Project location | Dongguan
硬装设计 | 钧廷设计
Interior Design | Junted Design
主创设计 | 赖邦能
Creative Designer | Fred Lai
软装设计&执行 | 钧廷设计
Decoration and Execution | Junted Design
主要材料 | 仿大理石瓷砖 、铂金灰大理石、科技木饰面、乳胶漆、烤漆饰面、布艺、布艺硬包、黑色金属地脚线。