Junted Design|中山文信朗庭销售中心

时间:2021-08-27 17:20


In modern style, the new classical interpretation of magnificent artistic conception.




Bright blue, beautiful and soft lines, exquisite style, different elements of the mix, visual rich, full of harmony and vivid.



The perfect combination of furnishings, luxurious, simple, delicate, soft, and brilliant, and multiple combinations of different material character attributes are streamlined and orderly.



Paying attention to the behavior experience of customers in space, caring for their intuitive and exquisite feeling, respectable sense of importance, serving customers with high-end hotel thinking, directly concerned about the essential function of the sales center.

项目名称 | 文信朗庭销售中心

Entry name | Wenxin  langting sales center

项目地点 | 中山

Project location | Zhongshan

硬装设计 | 钧廷设计

Interior Design | Junted  Design

软装设计&执行 | 钧廷设计

Decoration and Execution |  Junted  Design

项目摄影 | Benmo Studio

Photography | Benmo Studio

主要材料 | 路易斯灰、莎士比亚灰、中花白、金砂爵、阿曼灰大理石、蕾丝木饰面、特色墙纸、布艺硬包、夹丝艺术玻璃、拉丝古铜钢。